Base Price: $10.00
Quantity and duration may affect final ticket price

You will be picking black, red and/or purple raspberries.

*Each reservation is for up to 1 family .

*When you are purchasing your reservations "quantity" means number of rows you need.

*Large parties of 6 plus please purchase 2 rows.

*If you reserve, you own that hour. If you can’t make it, send a friend, neighbor, or family member.

*No refunds…If you reserve a row, we are counting on you to help us pick berries.

*Refund exemption…Tornado, hurricane, tsunami, blizzard, hail, monsoon, flood, zombie attack

*10$ reservation fee will be taken off your final sale.  10$ minimum purchase.

 *UPick Raspberries are 6.25/pound  2 pints are around 11-12$- 10$reservation fee= 1-2$  Please bring cash; credit under $2 will have a $1 fee.   We do take credit; but cash is King!  

Health & Safety guidelines…

*If you are sick’ please stay home…Yada, yada, yada

*Please wash your hands before coming to the farm.

*We will have hand sanitizer upon admission, hand washing station and checkout available.

*No outside containers. Mitchell's Berries approved buskets are allowed. We will have green quart, green pint containers & buskets (buskets are small fee).  

Happy berry pickers are welcome.   We can’t wait to see you!

Step 1: Select your day...

 *No refunds…We are counting on you to pick berries.

**Please bring cash; credit under $2 will have a $1 fee.   We do take credit; but cash is King!  


 *No refunds…We are counting on you to pick berries.

**Please bring cash; credit under $2 will have a $1 fee.   We do take credit; but cash is King!  

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